viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016

Arranged marriages

Resultado de imagen de arranged marriageHow would you feel if you can't choose your partner? I suppose that you have never thought that.

Well... In some cultures, parents choose the partner for their children without consider their opinion.

Think that you have to get married and live the rest of your life with a person that you don't know, only for your family's interests in relation basically of money. It's unfair, isn't it?

There are also some youngs who don't want to get married because they aren't agree with this tradition or because they think they're too young but they can't escape. It's their obligation to do what their parents say.

Resultado de imagen de principe azul disneyI think that arranged marriages don't have to exist because in this world everybody is free and we have to build our own future next to someone we want.
When you get married to a person is because you have had the opportunity to know him or her little by little and because you love each other.

It's true that many ''love'' marriages split up, but... Nothing happens. Life is very long and I'm sure that you will probably meet another person and you will fall in love. Yes, I believe in love... Why not?

At this moment I'm not into any relationship, but maybe one day I will meet my mister perfect and I will get married with him because I want, not because my parents force me.

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